sounds from the exosphere

If you enjoy it, take some time to support it. These musicians still need to make a living... But we'll share what we can. PEACE.


Built To Spill- Keep It Like A Secret

This one goes back to '99 ladies and gents. Built To Spill formed way back in 1992, and still continue to pump out great indie tunes to this day. If you were to put Death Cab for Cutie and Weezer in a blender, this album is the most likely result. Cascading guitar, relentless bass, and well thought out and written lyrics have helped this album stand the test of time, and it sounds as if it was released yesterday.

  1. The Plan
  2. Center of the Universe
  3. Carry the Zero
  4. Sidewalk
  5. Bad Light
  6. Time Trap
  7. Else
  8. You Were Right
  9. Temporarily Blind
  10. Broken Chairs 

Keep It Like A Secret

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